Group Dynamics: The Problems...

Same Voice, Same Opinion

The dominant voice that doesn’t listen, and steers a meeting in a direction that suits their own desires and goals – rather than those of the team.


Not all ideas are heard from the group.

Discussions Go Off-Topic

Nobody takes control, and people start talking about something completely different from the original agenda.


You run out of time, people are stressed and feel that time has been wasted.

No decisions are made

Too much time has been spent on a problem without creating a tangible goal that someone is responsible for.


Nothing moves forward, and the result of the meeting... to schedule another meeting.

You Are Not Alone...

64% of employees worldwide say poor collaboration costs them at least 6 hours of productivity per week!

Up to 80% of decision makers say cross-departmental collaboration needs to improve!

Workers spend 57% of their time in meetings, emails, and chats, leaving just 43% for actual creative or deep work.

These problems create Meeting Fatigue: a phenomenon where people lose faith in meetings, loath working in groups and find discussions with multiple participants cumbersome and boring.


  • A place were ideas blossom, creative problem-solving flourishes and efficient and meaningful discussions thrive.

  • A moment where your team feels like they have achieved something - as a unit, that can work together, effectively.

  • An opportunity where everyone can participate, decisions are made, and responsibility is taken on tangible outcomes.

“The interactive nature of the sessions kept me engaged and allowed for hands-on practice and personalised feedback.”

- Alana Richards, Founder & CEO of SUMO

“After a successful workshop the team at are aligned, inspired and motivated. My team are very happy!”

-Jonathan O’Reilly, CEO, Crazy Bastard Sauce

“Chris has an authentic and friendly facilitation style, which not only allows for excellent engagement across the team, but creates an opportunity for tangible results!”

- Martyn Roberts, CEO, Distology Studios

Let’s Help You…

Take the burden off the decision-making process, and allow teams to focus on solving problems.

Guide a meeting so everyone gets their chance to speak.

Manage time and energy so agendas can be met.

Make sure meetings always end with tangible outcomes.

Invigorate an individual sense of purpose and agency.

Reignite a sense of responsibility and team morale.

What’s On Offer

Let Us Guide Your Team Meeting

Have a delegated independent facilitator at the helm of any group meeting, a person that acts simply as a guide.

Regardless of the topic of the meeting, watch the benefit of a team that is hyper focused, completely integrated, and who concentrate on the process of solving a problem.

With a dedicated facilitator, teams are fully engaged, decisions are made, goals are set, everyone is heard and responsibility for outcomes is awarded.

All in a stress free environment where everyone feels heard, participants feel validated and a sense of team purpose is restored.

When team morale is high, results are achieved. Results ultimately save time, money, and create a sense of agency and meaning in the workplace.

Let Us Train You In Collaboration

Perhaps you are lucky enough to already have a dedicated person in a facilitator role.

We are happy to share our expert knowledge in how we guide meetings to make them work.

We can train your next facilitator in:

  • The art of sequencing discussions

  • Intuitive mediation management

  • Exercises that help move things forward

  • Creating safe spaces and team inclusion

  • Conflict management

  • Visualising discussions

  • The art of setting tangible goals

  • Presentation and public speaking skills

  • Collective collaboration

Are You Interested In Talking?

My name is Chris, I am a certified facilitator and I specialise in real-time collaboration. I facilitate meetings and workshops for companies who need a guide to help them on the journey of making decisions and solving problems.

I create stress free environments where groups of people collaborate effectively and communicate effortlessly. My passion is to get people talking, for ideas to move forward and for decisions and goals to be set.

It is a simple yet effective technique that always boosts morale and truly gives participants a sense of agency, purpose and meaning for the problems they are trying to solve.